'A Conceivability Argument Against the Existence of an Essentially Conscious Necessary Being'.
'In Defence of Phenomenal Sharing,' (with Luke Roelofs) in L. Bugnon & M. Nida-Rumelin (Eds.) The Phenomenology and Self-Awareness of Conscious Subjects, Routledge.
'Is consciousness fundamental?' forthcoming in Gabriel Rabin (Ed.) Grounding and Consciousness, Oxford University Press. (I'm just revising this and will put up a version soon).
'Curiosity and the Knowledge Argument' LaRock, E. & Mihretu, G. (Eds.) Consciousness, Unconsciousness, and Articificial Intelligence, Wiley-Blackwell
'Comments on Nida-Rumelin' (with Luke Roelofs) In connection with the volume 'In defence of phenomenal sharing' is published, Luke and I responded to Martine Nida-Rumelin's article in the volume.
'God or the Multiverse?' forthcoming in Andrew Drinkard (Ed.) Has God Been Found?, Eerdmans.
'How exactly does panpsychism explain consciousness?' Journal of Consciousness Studies, 31: 3-4, 56-82.
'Is fine-tuning evidence for a multiverse,' Synthese, 204: 1, 1-22.
'God and Cosmic Purpose: A Philosophical Reflection on Bishop and Perszyk's God, Purpose and Reality, International Journal for the Philosophy of Religion, 96: 3, 241- 246.
'Quantum mechanics and the consciousness constraint,'in S. Gao (Ed.) Quantum Mechanics and Consciousness, Oxford University Press.
Should Panpsychists be Christians? This piece is a reply to Joanna Leidenhag's book Minding Creation, for a symposium the journal Religious Studies on women in philosophy of religion (edited by Tasia Scrutton).
'Science vs. Scientism in Consciousness Research: A Reply to Ann-Sophie Barwich.' To be published in a book symposium hosted by the Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective (SERRC), with the subject of Moti Mizrahi (Ed.) (2022) For and Against Scientism Science, Methodology, and the Future of Philosophy, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
My book Why? The Purpose of the Universe (Oxford University Press) was published this year.
Review of Tim Mulgan’s Purpose in the Universe: The Moral and Metaphysical Case for Ananthropic Purposivism, forthcoming in International Journal for the Philosophy of Religion.
The volume Is Consciousness Everywhere? Essays on Panpsychism, that I co-edited with Alex Moran, was published this year. It contained responses to my work from leading scientists, philosophers, and spiritual thinkers, including Sean Carrol, Carlo Rovelli, Anil Seth, and Christof Koch.
'Putting Consciousness First' Journal of Consciousness Studies 28: 9-10, 289-328 (2021). This is my contribution to the volume I refer to above. I reply to all of the essays, and also explore what a 'post-Galilean' science of consciousness, in which consciousness is taken to be a fundamental feature of reality, might look like.
Introduction to Is Consciousness Everywhere? Essays on Panpsychism (co-written with Alex Moran), Journal of Consciousness Studies 28: 9-10, 9-15.
'Panpsychism and free will,' forthcoming in Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society.
'Universal consciousness as the ground of logic,' in B. Goeke and L. Jaskolla (Eds.) Panentheism and Panpsychism, Brill/Mentis.
'The integrated information theory: Important insights but not a complete theory of consciousness,' review of Christof Koch's The Feeling of Life Itself in American Journal of Psychology.
'Cosmopsychism, micropsychism and the grounding relation,' in W. Seager (Ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Panpsychism.
'Russellian Monism' (co-written with Sam Coleman) in U. Kriegal (Ed.) in Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of Consciousness, Oxford University Press
My book Galileo's Error: Foundations for a New Science of Consciousness was published this year.
'Essentialist modal rationalism,' Synthese.
'Grounding, analysis and Russellian monism,' in S. Coleman (Ed.) The Knowledge Argument Then and Now, Cambridge University Press.
'Panpsychism,' entry in Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
'Did the universe design itself?' International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 85: 99-122.
'Revelation, consciousness+ and the phenomenal powers view,' Topoi
My book Consciousness and Fundamental Reality was published this year.
'Conscious thought and the cognitive fine-tuning problem,' Philosophical Quarterly 68: 270, 98–122.
‘Is it a problem that physics is mathematical?,’ in a special issue of Journal of Consciousness Studies on Susan Schneider’s ‘The problem of the physical base’ 24: 9-10, 50-58(9).
'Panpsychism' in Schneider, S. & Velmans, M. (Eds.) Blackwell Companion to Consciousness, 2nd Edition, Blackwell.
'Panpsychism' entry of the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (I wrote this pretty much from scratch, except for the history section).
'Is consciousness transcendent?' forthcoming in a special issue of Journal of Philosophy of Life on James Tartaglia's book Philosophy in a Meaningless Life
'Bertrand Russell and the problem of consciousness', in S. Leach & J. Tartaglia (Eds.) Consciousness and the Great Philosophers, Routledge.
Is realism about consciousness compatible with a scientifically respectable world view?, Journal of Consciousness Studies 23: 11-12, as a part of a special issue on Keith Frankish's 'Illusionism as a theory of consciousness'.
'The phenomenal bonding solution to the combination problem,' in G. Bruntrop and L. Jaskolla (Eds.) Panpsychism, Oxford University Press.
Fundamentality and the mind-body problem', Erkenntnis, 8: 4, 881-898
'Against constitutive forms of Russellian monism,' in T. Alter & Y. Nagasawa (Eds.) Russellian Monism, Oxford University Press.
‘Real acquaintance and physicalism,’ in P. Coates & S. Coleman (Eds.) Phenomenal Qualities: Sense, Perception, and Consciousness, Coates, P. and Coleman, S. (Eds.), Oxford University Press.
'What’s wrong with strong necessities?' co-written with David Papineau, Philosophical Studies, 167: 3, 749-62.
‘The Cartesian argument against physicalism,’ in J. Kallestrup & M. Sprevak (Es.) New Waves in the Philosophy of Mind, Palgrave Macmillan, 3-20.
‘Orthodox property dualism + linguistic theory of vagueness = panpsychism,’ Consciousness Inside and Out: Phenomenology, Neuroscience, and the Nature of Experience, Brown, R. (Ed.), Springer, 75-91.
‘Reply to Simon and Robinson,’ Consciousness Inside and Out: Phenomenology, Neuroscience, and the Nature of Experience, Brown, R. (Ed.), Springer 119-23.
‘Idealism,' Encyclopedia of the Mind, Hal Pashler (Ed.), Sage Reference.
'Does Mary know I mean plus rather than quus? A new hard problem,' Philosophical Studies 160: 2, 223-35.
'A priori physicalism, lonely ghosts and Cartesian doubt,' Consciousness and Cognition, 21: 2, 743-46.
‘Ghosts are still scarier than zombies’ Consciousness and Cognition, 21: 2, 749-50.
'A posteriori physicalists get our phenomenal concepts wrong,' Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 89: 2, 191-209.
‘There is no combination problem,’ in M. Blaumauer (Ed.) The Mental as Fundamental, Ontos Publishing House.
‘Ghosts and sparse properties: Why the physicalist has more to fear from ghosts than zombies,' Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 81: 1, 119-39
‘Orthodox truthmaker theory cannot be defended by cost/benefit analysis,' Analysis 79: 1.
'Could the Daleks stop the pyramids being built?,' in Dr. Who and Philosophy, Lewis, C. and Smithka, P. (Eds.) Open Court Press.
‘Why pansychism doesn’t help explain consciousness,' Dialectica, 63: 3
‘Can the panpsychist get round the combination problem?,' The Mind that Abides: Panpsychism in the New Millennium, Skrbina, D. (Ed.), Benjamins Publishing.
'A non-eliminative form of austere nominalism,' European Journal of Philosophy, 16: 1.
‘Kirk on empirical physicalism’, Ratio, 20: 1.
‘Experiences don’t sum,' Journal of Consciousness Studies, 13: 6. Also published in Consciousness and its Place in Nature, Anthony Freeman, A. (Ed.), Imprint Academic (2006) and Consciousness and the Mind-Body Problem: A Reader, Alter, T & Howell, R. J. (Eds.) Oxford University Press (2011).
‘Propertied objects as truth-makers,' Topics on General and Formal Ontology, Valore, P. (Ed.), Polimetrica International Scientific Publishers
Edited Volumes & Text Books
Spinoza on Monism (Ed.) Palgrave Macmillan (2011).
Metaphysics: The Key Concepts (with Helen Beebee & Nikk Effingham), Routledge (2010).
Book reviews
Review of Tim Mulgan’s Purpose in the Universe: The Moral and Metaphysical Case for Ananthropic Purposivism, International Journal for the Philosophy of Religion (2022)
Review of Christof Koch’s The Feeling of Life Itself, American Journal of Psychology (2020)
Comparative review of Philip Kitcher’s ‘Life after faith: A defence of secular humanism’ and John Cottingham’s Philosophy of religion: Towards a more humane approach’, Times Literary Supplement (2015).
Review of 'The conceptual link from the physical to the mental,' Robert Kirk, Notre Dame Philosophical Review (2013).
Review of 'Phenomenal consciousness,' by Dimitris Platchias, Australasian Journal of Philosophy 91: 3, 617-20 (2013).
Review of ‘Consciousness, Function, and Representation’, Ned Block, Mind 60: 240, 652-6 (2012).
Review (co-written with Hedda Hassel) of ‘Re-Emergence’ by Gerard Vision, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (2012).
Critical notice of ‘Emergence in Mind’ by Macdonald and Macdonald (eds.) (5000 words), Notra Dame Philosophical Reviews (2011).
Review of ‘Real Materialism’ by Galen Strawson, Philosophical Quarterly, 60: 240, 652-6 (2010).
‘No hobbits?’ Review of ‘Truth and Ontology’ by Trenton Merricks, Times Literary Supplement (May 16th 2008).
‘Why zombies are scary’ Review of ‘Zombies and Consciousness’ by Robert Kirk, Times Literary Supplement (November 24th 2006).
Introductory level papers
'Panpsychism' Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy
'Panpsychism' (2017) in Schneider, S. & Velmans, M. (Eds.) Blackwell Companion to Consciousness, 2nd Edition, Blackwell.
'Bertrand Russell and the problem of consciousness' (2016) in S. Leach & J. Tartaglia (Eds.) Consciousness and the Great Philosophers, Routledge.
I recently did a radical update of the 'Panpsychism' entry of the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy